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Know Your Role

And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. {Gal 4:6-7}

I’ve often told my children that it is important for them to know their role and to behave accordingly because when they know their role it would help them to accomplish many things in this life. I didn’t tell them this to hold them back but to help them see sometimes we can get ourselves out of order or in a bad place because we take on someone else’s role.

I wanted them to understand that there would be times when they would be the helper, the worker, and/or the supporter. While at other times they would be the leader, the instructor, and/or the person in charge. BUT if they ever got their roles mixed up it may not go so well! Especially, if they attempted to be in charge when in that space they were there to be the student.

Throughout the years, I have been in many situations which required me to know my role. If I was going to be successful, I would need to know in what capacity to operate. For instance, in my marriage, I am the wife, and my role is to submit to my husband and be his helpmate, confidant, and friend. In our home with my children, I am the mother, and it is my role to love, nurture, care for, discipline, and teach them the truth of God’s Word, as well as, to love the Lord with all of who they are. In the role of student, my place was to listen and follow the instructions given by the teacher or professor. When I was the leader or overseer of a department, it was my responsibility to not only lead others but to set an example for how they were to follow. As an employee, I am to perform the job I was hired to do as if I am working for the Lord. My role is to follow and honor my supervisor as it pertains to my job. In all these roles, I am the same person but have to be aware of when to take charge and when to let others lead.

In life, our roles can change even if our positions stay the same, and navigating our place with others can be complicated and a little confusing from time to time. This is why it was such a blessing to my heart when the Lord spoke to me during worship and reminded me that one thing I can always count on and that there is one role I never have to doubt.

(As my pastor would say, “I said all that to say this!”)

With God, I always know my role and who I am because He has declared it. God says, “You are mine!” So, in all situations, I am a child of God! This role never changes, and God’s role never changes!

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. {Gal 3:26}

He is and will always be the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Creator, our Deliverer, our Emmanuel, Father, Giver of Life, our Hope, the I AM, Jehovah-Jireh, King of kings, Lord of lords, Most High, Name above every name, Omnipresent, Provider, Quickening Spirit, Redeemer, Sustainer, Truth, Upright, Victorious, Worthy, Excellent, Yahweh, Zealous…..

This truth can give us peace! Knowing that our God doesn’t change and that He is not going to decide to be someone different one day. The Lord will never resign from His role and because His role never changes, we can have peace that when He declares to us our role as His child, that will never change either.

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with [him], that we may be also glorified together. {Romans 8:16-17}

How marvelous it is to know that our role is to simply give our lives to Him and live according to His Word. In an ever-changing world where positions shift and roles change hands repeatedly, there is peace in knowing that our God does not change, and His role is everlasting!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

{James 1:17}


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