Below you will see a few topics and suggested event themes. However, Mitzi enjoys working with ministry leaders to tailor each event to the unique needs of each ministry. It is exciting to work with leaders to make each event uplifting and meaningful. If you are interested in Mitzi speaking at your event click here.
Lessons from the Yellow Brick Road
Have you ever dreamed of having ruby slippers? The sparkly, red ones that put a smile on your face and hope in your heart. You know, the kind that when you click your heels together you get to go home!
Well I have, because some days are hard and the journey can seem long. On those long days, wouldn't it be nice to just slip on some ruby slippers, click our heels and go home.
This discussion will encourage all women as we begin to see Jesus along the Yellow Brick Road.
Spiritual Seasons
I know everybody is different, some love sunshine and flip-flops while others, like me, love the cold and sparkly white snow. We all experience the seasons of life but how we handle them can be different. We need to recognize that each season is a blessing whether it is our favorite or not, it is just a matter of learning to appreciate the season we are in.
This session will help us recognize the different spiritual seasons and begin to see that even when it is not our favorite time we can rejoice in all that the Lord is doing.
The Wedding Celebration
Relationships can be beautiful and as they grow they can blossom into engagements, weddings, and receptions celebrating love. But have you ever thought about how we are the bride of Christ? This three- session conference/retreat will help us celebrate this blessed relationship.
Session One - The Engagement (Sparkle for Jesus)
Session Two - The Wedding (Do you have your oil?)
Session Three - The Reception (Celebrating our Christ life)
Has your flip began to flop?
Are you going a hundred miles per hour? Are you burning from both ends of the candle? Have you started to lose some of the sparkle you once had?
As women, we can feel the need to do it all and not only do everything but do it better which can cause us to lose the joy (the flip) in our walk. This loss of joy can make us start to flop.
In this time together we will discuss recognizing when our flip (excitement and joy) has started to flop and how we can get it back with Jesus.
Are you ready for your yes?
I know as women of God we pray and some of you have mastered the pray without ceasing but are we truly expecting the answers? Are we trusting God can, but not fully expecting He will?
In this time together we will dive into scripture and see where the children of God prayed but were surprised by the answers they received and how we can start looking for our answered prayers.