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Have you ever felt like something is missing? Something that is obscure or just out of your reach. You keep trying to move forward and you continue to do all the things that you know to do but somehow you feel as though you are still missing something.

Like when a friend shares one of their recipes with you and no matter how many times you make it or how exactly you follow the recipe, it just doesn’t taste the same….something is just missing. Now, I have a running joke with a dear friend of mine over a certain recipe that she must have left an ingredient out so I can’t make it like her😊

Well, lately, I have been experiencing this thought or recurring feeling that the next thing is right there but I can’t quite get there. As if, I’m missing this one ingredient that would make it all come together. Yet, I have no idea what that “thing” is. Have you been here? Have you felt like this before?

If so, keep reading and if not, keep reading anyway because one day you will.

At church, we are going through the book of Colossians and my pastor read a very familiar passage but for that day, at that moment, it just hit a lot differently than it has in the past. Right then it felt like a direct answer to my recurring conversation with the Lord. An aha moment! A moment where I knew that verse was meant for me to find peace in this feeling of something is missing.

Read it nice and slow…..

And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power: - Colossians 2:10

The “Him” in this verse is Jesus Christ. Jesus is everything that we will ever need. In Him, we are complete. We need no new revelation. We need no new truth. We need no special blessing. We simply need Jesus and when He is Lord and Saviour of our lives…..we are complete!

And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. - Luke 12:29

Unfortunately, knowing this and living this can be complicated in this world. Society likes us to believe we all need the next best thing. That we are all lacking or would be more complete with whatever it is they are offering. Yet, if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we don’t need what they are hustling.

The devil likes to detour us from continuing forward. Old Lucifer doesn’t have to hold us down to keep us stuck, he simply works to make us doubt and we will hold ourselves back. The principalities of this world want us to think that we are lacking, that something is missing because they are fully aware that if we remember that we are complete in Jesus then we can’t be stopped.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - James 4:7

Now, look at the second part of that verse. Jesus doesn’t just make us complete but He also has authority over those principalities that are attempting to oppress you in your thoughts and mind. So, stand firm and bold in the full armor of God and tell those principalities to leave you alone in the name of Jesus! Let your Saviour deal with them and let go of the doubt that you need more of anything other than Jesus.

Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee. - Isaiah 26:3


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